Baked seafood potato

I had forgotten how good a humble baked potato could be. Thank you DISH magazine for the inspiration to make this scrummy baked potato.  I love it when a recipe breaks out of the box, smoked fish and prawns got me excited!.  Baking four agria potatoes in the oven for 1 hour at 200° was hardly cooking, exactly the kind of meal I felt like cooking on a lazy sunday evening. This recipe called for the  200 grams of smoked tarakihi & 300grams of raw chopped prawns to be simmered in a cup of milk, a garlic clove and sea salt for five short minutes. All that left was to cut the tops of the potatoes off and scoop out the potato leaving the potato shells intact.  My two-year old could do the next step, mash potato with 1 tablespoon of whole grain mustard, half cup of sour cream, sea salt. Dot butter and sprinkle  freshly grated parmesan cheese over the top and grilled in the oven till golden and hot.  This meal was as wholesome and satisfying as it looks, perfect simple Sunday night supper.


Filed under cooking, fish, food, home cooking, recipes

9 responses to “Baked seafood potato

  1. This looks great, perfect for Sunday evenings.

  2. An easy, tasty sounding dish.

  3. Fun! What a great idea! Do you have a way to subcribe to your blog? I didn’t see it…..

  4. This looks and sounds wonderful. Nothing like a baked potato.

  5. This looks like something my husband would love! It also looks like a great comfort food without being super heavy!

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